Brandon's Coding Journal

Based On Probably Something Similar To A True Story

State is You, You are State

State is an extremely complex and intimidating topic for a lot of new and learning developers. It is one of the largest tasks a developer must overcome and control to make any project - big or small, good or bad, worthy or unworthy - successfully functional. But what is state exactly? I personally enjoy the definition found here from

Flatiron Final Project...With a Heavy Dose of Life On the Side

I chose to redact this entire article. It was a rushed and poorly thought out piece about me and my wife’s personal struggles while I was trying to simultaneously do my final project. The journey through this part of my life requires a much more thought out, detailed, and clearer presence of mind. Please stay tuned for updates.

Bootcamps Vs. Self-Taught: What's The Best Choice for You?

As I’m finishing up the curriculum here at Flatiron School, I find myself reflecting on my experience and what it means to me and can’t help but ask a few questions to myself:

Rails & Javascript Project

Well, what is there to really say about this project? It was probably the easiest project to date imo - or perhaps I’m just developing into an awesome programmer! The main purpose of this project was to take our Rails app from the previous project and add some javascript to add on overlay of JS ontop of it that can navigate your app without page refreshes. When compared to both our Ruby and Sinatra projects, this project had some very basic requirements and we were’nt responsible for creating an entire application, merely working in a few files - fitting as we had only been tackling javascript for about a month at this point.

HeroQuestStart! The Rails Game Project

Seriously, worst game ever. It’s only had like 4 days of development though, so don’t judge too harshly, masterpieces take time.